Monday 20 February 2012

Natural History Museum Visit

When you first enter the Natural History museum you are confronted by a massive skeleton model of a dinosaur in the centre of the hall facing you as you enter. This skeleton is impressive on its own, however to make it stand out even more and make it look even more impressive red spot lights have been placed around the bottom of it catching parts of the skeleton. This gives a feeling to the piece, such as danger, by using the colour red.

The next piece that caught my attention was this model a a red panda. The information about this creature is plit vertically into 3 sections to try and break the information up abit so that it doesnt seem like there is as much to read. Another reason this model also caught my attention was the fact that it was postioned within the canteen of the museum so that while people were eating they could still see it. We could incorparate this into our exhibition if we are struggling to fit everything into the area we have been given.

Through some of the corridors of the museum they had boards and poster of different things giving extra bits of information. 1 of the boards that took my eye was this 1 with an image of a dragon fly spread across 2 of the boards. I thought this was a very good way of joining 2 seperate boards together leading 1 on to the next.

In the Natural History Museum there are a lot of interactive exhibits that i thought was a vewry good idea so that people and kids walking round didnt get board of just looking and reading they could actually touch and play with things. One good example of this was the pictures showing how even thou this exhibit was only written information and pictures the viewer felt involved as the information was split onto 3 spereate boards that they had to spin to get all the information. Another example this was an exhibit which at first just looks like a model of something with a mirror behind it. However next to each of these was a button that once pressed change the mirror into the information about the object below. i couldnt get a good picture of this as the glass kept reflecting the lights in the room in the pictures taken with my camera.

The final exhibit i found interesting and thought we might be able to incorparte into our exhibition was that many of the exhibits in the museum also were mounted onto objects built to resemble something. the picture above shows one exhibit were they had done this. By creating simple building shapes covered in as which the information about volcanoes were actually mounted on made the information alot more interesting and made you want to read it rather than if it was just placed on a simple plain wall.

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