Monday 20 February 2012

Business Card

To come up with some themes, colours and images for my CV and business card i first made a list of the things i'm good at and like doing:
Team work
Cooking breakfast
Working with people
Bar man
Computer games
Organising people
Saving money

Once i had come up with this list i then realted these words with images, colours and shapes:
Football - balls, straight and cruved lines, circles, black and white
Bar man - Black, bubbles, fruit, bright colours
Cooking breakfast - steam, wavey, brown
Driving - smooth shapes, shiny
Relaxing - blue, horizontal lines

From this i the nstarted developing some images and design ideas for my business card. The images used for my business card could then also be used on my CV. The following images are some of the ideas i came up with.

As football is 1 of the main things i like doing and watching i thought a take the images from that. So i firstly used the straight lines used all around the pitch as a bottom border to the business card. I then used the circle of the football and the middle circle on the pitch as the basis of the image on the card. As well as using solid lines for the circle i also added paint effects to this design as the line on the pitch are painted on. The colour I want ot use for my business card is blue, not just because i like the colour but as im a very relaxed and layed back person i feel represents this very well as, to me, its a very chilled out colour.

I then created 2 more business cards based on the same kind of theme but took out the paint element as i felt this made the card look a bit tacky and unprofessional. i kept the same colour and the lines at the bottom of the card as i thought that this made the card look more professional and apealing.

In this design of my business card i tried to give the impression of movement of the football by adding lots of little solid circles that get smaller nearer the end.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daniel,

    You really made me think with these options. I do understand where you come from but I have to say the result is quite basic. And we basic I mean that the final result doesn't make any kind of impact. I'm a fan of clean design of basic shapes and lines and plain, solid colours but I also think these designs are extremely basic. You have two options:
    1) Change your iconography and make it more interesting.
    2) Use different colours or a combination of colours (why just blue... and this particular cyan one?)

    Oh! and one more:
    3)If you're using basic shapes what about making a pattern by repetition and put it in the back of your card? (just an idea to make the format more interesting... you can make something else).

    Anyway, this is not to dissapoint you, it's just to make your design outstand from the rest. Think also of how you're working with your text, experiment justifying in different ways, playing with text and shape, changing typo and also changing its colour. This experimentation might give you new and more exciting ideas.
